Archives: Episode

Adopting 12 Children & Trusting in the Lord: Laurie Everett’s Story

Can you imagine the faith, love, and miracles that come with adopting 12 children, several with disabilities? Join us for an uplifting conversation with Laurie Everett, a remarkable woman with a powerful testimony of trusting the voice of the Lord, and how it’s helped her and her husband to find their eternal family. Laurie’s story…

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Her Husband’s Stroke and Embracing the Word of Wisdom: Ali Essig’s Story

In this weeks episode, Ali Essig shares the story of how her husband had a major stroke at only 37 years-old, and how her inspiration to follow the word of wisdom has helped to save her husband’s life and transform her family’s health. Ali, a devoted mother of six and passionate advocate for plant-based nutrition,…

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How He Wrote Vinney Tolman’s Story “The Light After Death”: Lynn Taylor’s Story

After his near death experience, Vinnie Tolman searched for 15 years to find just the right person to write about his near death experience – then he met Lynn Taylor.  This is the story behind the story.  Have you ever wondered how embracing spiritual awareness and love can transform your life? Join us as we…

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Found Dead, Put in a Body Bag, and Taught 10 Heavenly Lessons: Vinney Tolman’s Story

When Vinney Tolman was 25 he died in a Dairy Queen bathroom and was placed in a body bag. After meeting a guide named Drake, Vinney experienced the afterlife and was taught 10 heavenly principles that provide incredible insight, comfort, and hope! You don’t want to miss this!  Vinney’s story will change your life.  ***…

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Losing Her Husband to Cancer & Finding the Faith to Go On: Meredith Wahlquist’s Story

In this episode, Meredith Wahlquist shares the story of her husband’s battle with cancer, and the promptings, comfort, challenges, trials, and tender mercies that happened along the way to give her and her children the faith and strength to go on. *** Please SHARE Meredith’s story and help us spread hope and light to others….

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His House Blew Up! But God Saved Him & His Wife: Steven Cypers’ Story

In this episode, Steven Cypers tells the incredible true story of how his house literally blew up with him and his wife in it, and how a prompting he received saved their lives. *** Please SHARE Steven’s story and help us spread hope and light to others. *** To WATCH this episode on YouTube, visit:…

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Hippy Parents, off the Grid, & 13 Kids – Oh My! Amber Pearce’s Story

In this special Mother’s Day episode, Amber Pearce shares the story of how her hippy mom – living in a hippy commune in New Mexico – was converted to the church, and how her mom and dad raised 13 children off the grid! This episode is dedicated to all the women in the world who…

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Inspirational Stories of LDS Women – Present & Past: Emily Cushing & Bekki Hood

With Mother’s Day around the corner, Emily Cushing and Bekki Hood share some incredible, inspiring stories of faithful Latter-day Saint women around the world, from both the present and the past. This episode will warm your heart and remind you just how important the women and mother’s in our lives truly are. *** Please SHARE…

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How God Inspired Him to Honor Black LDS Pioneer History: Mauli Bonner’s Story

If you don’t think God is watching out for us, watch this! In this episode, Mauli Bonner shares his story of how he was guided and inspired to make a movie about early black LDS pioneers, and then how through a series of incredible events, God helped him to get the church to erect a…

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A Convert, a Faith Crisis, and a Message of Hope: Charles Lawson’s Story

In this episode, Charles Lawson shares his conversion story and journey as a member of the church. After watching several youth around him lose their faith, Charles felt compelled to discover why, and went on a personal journey – ultimately putting his own faith on the line – to find answers to help them.  ***…

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